TV Appearances
(1994)"Harry Enfield and Chums"
- Ep 1.3 (Old Lady at Bus Stop)
(1993)"Goodnight Sweetheart"
- I Get Along Without You Very Well (Old Lady)
(1992)London's Burning Ep 5.6 (Old Woman)
(1992)"Going to Seed" (Miss Pringle)
(1991)The Bill-Delivery on Time (Neighbor)
(1987)Don't Wait Up (Florrie) Ep 4.6
(1987)"Vanity Fair"(Mrs. Firkin)
(1987)"French and Saunders"- Episode 1.3
(1987)"Filthy Rich & Catflap"
- Episode 1.2(Charlady)
(1986)Kit Curran-One Door Closes (1st Bingo Woman)
"Roll Over Beethoven"
- Ep 2.1 (Mrs. Tibbs)
"Roll Over Beethoven"
- Ep 1.4 (Mrs. Tibbs)
(1985) The Kenny Everett Television Show Ep 3.6
- Struck Down (Woman)
(1983)"The Witches and the Grinnygog" (Mrs. Featherly)
(1982)For the Love of Egypt
(1982)Chronicle-For the Love of Egypt
(1982)"The Haunting of Cassie Palmer" Eps 1.5+1.6 (Mrs. Pettifeather)
(1981)"Frankie Howerd Strikes Again"
(1981)Solo Ep 1.5 (Mother-in-Law)
(1980)"It Ain't Half Hot Mum"
- The Great Broadcast (Mrs. Parkins)
(1980)"In Loving Memory"
- The Outing (Cow Farmer)
(1980)"Fancy Wanders" ( Landlady)
(1980)Born and Bred-C'est Si Bon (Mrs White)
- The Bounty Hunter (Passer by outside Balearic Investments)
Both images ©Euston Films
(1979)Mike Yarwood in Persons Ep 3.2
(1978)Absolution(Mrs. Hoskins)
©Bulldog Productions
(1978)The Basil Brush Show-Ep dated Dec 30th
(1978)The Stud (Tony's mother)
(1978)The Mike Reid Show Ep 1.5
(1977)The Fuzz-Pending Further Inquiries (Woman in Shop)
(1977)London Belongs to Me- Ep 1.2 (Mrs Smyth)
(1977)Full Circle/The Haunting of Julia (Katherine)
(1976)"The Duchess of Duke Street"
- The Outsiders (Mrs. Parker)
(1976)The Bawdy Adventures of Tom Jones (Mrs. Belcher)
(1975-1976)World of Laughter
(1975)"Dad's Army"
- Ring Dem Bells (Queenie Beal)
Both images ©BBC
(1975)"Dawson's Weekly"
- Les Miserables (Mrs. Finch)
- The Double Kill (Mrs. Harper)
(1973)Op de Hollandse toer/Going Dutch (Spokes woman English Ladies)
(1973)Crown Court-My Old Man's a Dustman (Martha Cousins)
(1973)"Thirty Minutes Worth" - Ep 2.1
(1973)The Offence (Woman on Common)
(1973)The Stone Tape (Bar Helper)
(1972)"Emma" Ep 1.3 (Mrs. Cole)
All 6 images ©BBC
(1972)The Man Outside-Eric (Marjorie Griffen)
(1972)Tarbuck's Luck Ep 1.2
(1972)Chico the Rainmaker/The Boy With Two Heads
©Eyeline Productions/Children's Film Foundation (CFF)
(1972)I Want What I Want
(1972)The Dick Emery Show Ep 10.8
(1971-1973)The Fenn Street Gang (Mrs. Duffy)
(1971)"The Runaway Summer" Parts 1+4 (Mrs. Carver)
(1971)Justice (Olive Parsons)
--Within a Year and a Day
--The Rain It Raineth
(1971)"Z Cars"- Not Often We Have Visitors: Part 1+2 (Mrs. Bennett)
(1970)Steptoe and Son-Men of Property (Mrs. Wood)
©British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
- Put Out the Light (Mrs. Law)
(1969)The Expert-Your Money for My Life (Mrs. Kaskins)
(1968)Nana-The Actress (Madame Lerat)
(1968)"Z Cars"- The Witness: Part 1+2 (Connie Hughes)
- Dover and the Deadly Poison Pen Letters ( Mrs. Poltensky)
(1968)"Public Eye"
- Memories of Meg
(1967) "Z Cars"- Prejudice: Part 1+2 (Mrs. Carter)
- The Face of Hunger (Sister Agnes)
(1967)"Adam Adamant Lives!"
- The Survivors (Mrs. Clasp)
(1967)Money-Go-Round (Mrs. Smith)
- The Frighteners (Mrs. Mollins)
- The Short Cut (Mrs. Fields)
- Percival Bland's Brother (Mrs. Brattle)
(1964)They All Died Laughing/A Jolly Bad Fellow
©Pax Films
(1964)Witchcraft (Nurse)
©Lippert Films
(1963)Escape by Night/Clash by Night (Mrs. Peel)
©Eternal Films
(1963)This Is My Street (Doris)
(1963)First Night-Funny Noises with Their Mouths (Mary Gilmour)
(1963)Sergeant Cork-The Case of the Girl Upstairs (Nellie)
(1963)Doctor in Distress (Railway Station Barmaid)
 Both images ©Betty E. Box-Ralph Thomas Productions/The Rank Organisation
(1962)The War Lover (Pub Landlady)
© Columbia British Productions /Columbia Pictures Corporation
(1962)Drama 61-67-Drama '62: A Chance in Life (Alice Carter)
(1962)The Boys (Mrs. Thompson)
©Galaworldfilm Productions/Atlas Productions
(1962)Strongroom (Charlady)
- The Golden Fleece (Madame Ducrau)
(1961)No Hiding Place-The Final Fling (Mrs Welch)
(1961)Four Winds Island (Jessie)
(1961)The Wind of Change (Gladys)
(1961)"The Cheaters"
- For the Price of Two (Mrs. Evans)
(1961)No Hiding Place-The Final Chase (Mrs Williamson)
(1960)Feet of Clay (Mrs. Clarke)
©Danziger Productions Ltd.
(1960)Deadline Midnight Ep 1.4 (Mrs. Breen)
(1959)Carry on, Constable (Agitated Woman)
Both images
©Peter Rogers Productions
(1959)"Dancers in Mourning" Parts 3+4 (Mrs. Pole)
(1959)Carry on Nurse (Mrs. Rhoda Bray)
All 3 images ©Beaconsfield Productions
(1959)Love and Mr Lewisham Parts 4+6 (Mrs Chaffery)
(1959)Souls in Conflict (Ruth Stock)
(1959)A Farthing Damages (Mrs Fancourt)
(1959)Emergency-Ward 10 Ep 1.207 (Mrs Sainsbury)
The Flying Doctor-Boomerang (Mrs Stevens)
(1958)Ivanhoe-The Fledgling (Hilda)
(1958)Expresso Bongo (Ensemble)
(1958)Adventure in the Hopfields (Mrs. Quin)
(1958)Innocent Sinners (Cassle)
(1958)The Cosmic Monster (Mrs Hale)
(1958)You're a Long Time Dead (Mrs. Randall)
(1958)The Strange World of Planet X ( Mrs. Hale)
©Artistes Alliance Ltd.
(1958)The Young and the Guilty (Maude Marshall)
(1958)The Safecracker (Mrs. McCullers)
©Coronado Productions
(1957)Black Ice (Lillian Dodds)
(1957)The Tommy Steele Story/Rock Around the World (Mrs.Steele)
(1957)The Secret Place (Mrs. Haywood's Neighbor)
(1957)Five Names for Johnny-The Accusation (Mrs Sherman)
(1957)Treasure at the Mill (Mrs. Adams)
(1957)The End of the Road(Madge)
(1956)Without Love (Mrs. Hart)
(1956)Supersonic Saucer (Mother)
(1956)The Eternal Question
(1955-1965)"Dixon of Dock Green" (Jennie Wren)
(1955)Richard of Bordeaux (Waiting Woman)
(1955)"Quatermass II"
- The Mark (Mother)
©British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
(1955)Room in the House
(1955)The Hole in the Wall (Musky Meg)
(1955)Souls in Conflict (Ruth Stock)
(1955)The Vise-Two of a Kind (Ruth Karnas)
(1954)Adventure in th Hopfields (Mrs Quin)
©Roger Proudlock Productions
(1954)Hands of Destiny (Mrs.Kane)
(1954)The End of the Road (Madge)
(1953)Turn the Key Softly (Granny's Daughter)
(1953)The Titfield Thunderbolt (Lady Washing Baby)
©Michael Balcon Productions/J. Arthur Rank Organisation, Ealing Studios
(1953)Terror on a Train/Time Bomb (Jimmy's Mother)
©Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer British Studios
(1953)Bouncer Breaks Up (Mother)
(1952)The Man with the Gun (Miss Parsons)
(1952)The Wallet (Alice Maythorpe)
(1952)Saturday Island/Island of Desire (Ollie)
(1952)Blueprint for Danger (Alice Maythorpe)
(1951)The Case of the Missing Scene (Mrs Blackeney)
(1950)Chance of a Lifetime (Worker)
©Pilgrim Pictures
(1950)The Astonished Heart (Voice of railway station announcer)
(1948)Sin of Esther Waters
Images in this section used with permission from: (Site doesn't exist anymore)
anonymous contributor