TV Appearances
(1993)"Waiting for God"
- Living Together (Mrs. Kent)
 Both images ©BBC
(1985)In Sickness and in Health Ep 1.6 (TV Reporter)
- The BBC Honours Sykes (Secretary)
"Dad's Army"
- The Making of Private Pike (Nora)
(1977)"Doctor on the Go" - Bunny Makes the World Go Round (Staff Nurse)
(1977)Yes, Honestly-Come in Lily Browne, Your Time Is Up (2nd Nurse)
(1976)Lucky Feller-The Boat (Girl)
(1975)Carry on Behind (Woman with salad)
© Peter Rogers Productions/The Rank Organisation
(1973)"Doctor in Charge"
- The Pool (Amy)
(1973)The Upper Crusts-By Endeavour Alone (Norma)
(1972)Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Squirrel)
All 3 images ©Joseph Shaftel Productions
(1972)The Fenn Street gang-The Woman for Dennis (Stella)
(1972)"Tightrope" Ep 1.1 (Sally)
(1972)Adolf Hitler - My Part in His Downfall (1st Girl at Dance)
(1971)"Z Cars"- Collation: Part 1 (Doll)
(1971)"Doctor at Large" - The Viva (Female Hitch-hiker)
(1970)"Dad's Army"
- Mum's Army (Waitress)
Both images ©BBC
Image in this section used with permission from:
Anonymous Contributors